Cyan's Private Garden Rescue!

Cyan's Private Garden Rescue - Memphis, Tennessee - United States

Cyan's Private Garden Rescue; is located in Memphis, Tennessee.
Cyan is the founders personal dog who gives the rescue it's inspiration.Through her loyal divineness and ability to communicate to me, I was inspired to do greater good in the local animal community. Because of her, I work to make the community she lives in a safer place for her, and the other animals.
Cyan has opened her home to share with rescued dogs until a safe home can be found for them through adoptions.
Many times we come across citizens who don't know about the local resources out there available to assist them. Some don't even know the city ordinances and laws. We try to provide them with this information. We have found that when provided, many seek to accomodate their pets the best way they can. Bringing awareness about animals and the issues they face in the community helps to promote a more animal friendly environment. We hope this new found awareness promotes responsible ownership and brings an end to the overpopulation that makes life for the domestic pets so cruel.